Archive | May 2014

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Prepping the Garden

  We have a little garden plot, well actually it’s not very little considering we’re in the middle of the city and it takes up about a 3rd of the backyard!  We’ve rented our house for just over 3 years, so this will be our 4th summer there, and my 4th attempt at gardening!  It’s […]

Adventures in Chess – Queen Down

Learning to play chess is mind-numbingly hard.  And I don’t mean that in a facetious way – it literally is incredibly exhausting mentally.  I have a hard time keeping track of where all my pieces are and where they have the potential of moving to, let alone anticipating my husband Tavis’ every move and how […]

The Husband Who Could

I’ve set a lot of goals for myself this year.  Some are easy, but some will be very hard for me to complete for a variety of reasons, and so will require a lot of focus and extra motivation.  I’m fortunate in that I have an awesome person to back me up through all this, […]

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun Biking to Work

I’m playing with the anthem that Cyndi Lauper created… but really all bicycle riders just want to have a good time doing something they enjoy. That’s why, during my commute home last week, I was dismayed to encounter the stereotypical asshole driver that all bikers hate (yep, hate – I’m going there).  This woman, who I […]

Let the Habit-ization Begin

I’m attempting to adopt the following 11 habits over the course of my 31st year: Blog 2 times weekly. Drink 8 glasses of water daily. Eat dinner at the kitchen table every week night. Eat salad daily. Exercise for 45 minutes 3 times weekly. Floss daily. Go 1 day every week without TV. Go to […]

Squat Recap – 200 in a Day

One of my 31 Goals this year is to be able to complete 1,000 squats in a day.  By that, I mean to complete 1,000 squats over the course of an entire day, not necessarily consecutively. I decided to start the process by building up my squat strength with a challenge to complete 200 squats […]

Top 4 Things Motorists Need to Know about Bicycle Commuting

I began my summer of biking to work this past week (more on that in a future post), and I was quickly reminded how potentially dangerous it is to be a tiny, defenseless biker armed with only a helmet amidst a sea of huge, metal, four-wheeled machines powered by distracted drivers with the luxury of airbags.  […]