Archive | June 2014

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Seeing the Changes

Seeing progress towards a goal is crucial in maintaining the motivation to achieve that goal. Everyone knows this, which is why there are diets that tout changes in 30 days and exercise machines that promise results in 10 days, and these lies sell to the masses like crazy. Certainly without seeing any changes, my attention […]

Loofah that Life!

If you’re not quite sure how the name Life Loofah applies to this blog, here are some fun pictures and quotes that may help you understand why.  Enjoy! S

Try 31 New Recipes: Not So Wild Mushroom Risotto with Peas

Rainy days get so old after almost two weeks of constant rain in the forecast.  Even worse is trying to bike to work on the regular and deciding whether to take a chance on the supposed 60% chance of rain or whether to bus it (only to bus home in sweltering weather and wishing for […]

Try 31 New Recipes: Spicy Carrot Ginger Soup

I find myself drawn to soup when the weather turns nasty, and we’ve had a nasty few weeks here with grey skies and the constant threat of rain.  It hasn’t exactly been cold, and yet soup was just the ticket for dinner last week.  I’ve been checking out some other recipe blogs for some good ideas, and […]

Pumpin & Groovin to Goal Completion

Number 18 on my list of 31 Goals is to “register for another group fitness class.” By “another” I mean something other than the specific classes already mentioned on the list like running, yoga and swimming. When I set out my list of goals shortly after my 30th birthday with this goal included, I actually […]

It’s Okay to Feel Sad

I’ve never dealt with a grief that’s so messily intertwined with guilt before.  I’ve never had constant feelings of sadness plague me and show up at the most inopportune times like they have since the accident.  I’ve also never been more acutely aware of the fact that people just don’t know how to deal, or […]