31 Goals

31 Goals for my 31st Year:

  1. Blog 2 times weekly.
  2. Clean out the spare bedroom.
  3. Drink 8 glasses of water daily.
  4. Do 1,000 squats in one day.
  5. Eat dinner at the kitchen table every week night.
  6. Eat salad daily.
  7. Exercise for 45 minutes 3 times weekly.
  8. Find a family physician.
  9. Floss daily.
  10. Get my eyes checked.
  11. Go 1 day every week without TV.
  12. Go to bed by 10:30pm every week night.
  13. Keep a gratitude journal daily.
  14. Learn chess.
  15. Pay off both lines of credit.
  16. Play tennis 6 5 times this summer.
  17. Reduce alcohol intake to 5 drinks or less weekly.
  18. Register for another group fitness class.
  19. Register for spin.
  20. Register for yoga.
  21. Ride my bike to and from work in spring/summer/fall.
  22. Start a blog.
  23. Start a running program.
  24. Take Jade (our dog) for a walk daily.
  25. Take multivitamins daily. Finish the bottles of multivitamins in our medicine cabinet.
  26. Take swimming lessons.
  27. Try 3 new veggies 3 different ways.
  28. Try 31 19 new recipes.
  29. Try wall climbing.
  30. Visit our friends who live out of town.
  31. Weed and water garden every week day in spring/summer/fall.


I didn’t achieve all my goals, but as you can see I did achieve quite a few, so I consider my first go-around a success!  My downfall was the habits, for sure, so you’ll see none of those on my latest list.  Also, we didn’t pay off our lines of credit because we paid off one of our student loans instead – go us!  Then I left a few goals to the last minute, and we didn’t have the money for me to take yoga or start a running program like I’d hoped, so those fell by the wayside.  Finally, I didn’t try wall climbing because I added that goal so I could spend time with my husband, but he’s decided that he’s not really into wall climbing anymore and that goal was rendered unnecessary!  Ah, how life happens.

4 comments on “31 Goals

  1. \i love your goals

  2. Hey! Found your blog via the pingback from the Calvin & Hobbes image =) How are these goals going? I just read a really cool book that would help you hit a lot of these: http://www.amazon.com/Motivation-Hacker-Nick-Winter-ebook/dp/B00C8N4FNK/

    • Thanks for visiting and leaving a comment! I’m a big fan of Calvin & Hobbes so thanks for having a great image that I could share. 🙂 My goals are going well I think, feel free to stay tuned to hear all about it! And I appreciate the book recommendation, I’ll definitely check it out.

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