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There Goes My Year

A year ago I finally took a chance and I started a blog!!  A blog, people, a blog!  I’m a blogger.  What?!?  This was one of the goals I made for myself on my 30th birthday – I love to write and I needed an outlet and I decided the whole world was just waiting with baited breath to hear about me achieving my goals.  I’m actually a closet narcissist.  Anyhow… tomorrow, it’s my 31st birthday and I can’t believe how my year has just flown by.  Old people are right, the years seem to sure go by fast the older you get.

A lot has changed for me.  I’ve completed over half of my goals (updates for some of which I haven’t yet gotten around to), and I’m not at all sad that I didn’t complete the rest.  It feels strange to me that I feel that way, but I’ve realized that making the goals and striving towards them is ¾ of the battle.  If I try and don’t make them, then I have nothing to regret.  And some of the goals were big achievements for me, namely taking swimming lessons.  I’m actually going swimming for my birthday tomorrow – that also feels strange for me to say.  Other goals led to positive changes in our lives like finding a family physician or establishing a yearly trip to visit our buds in BC since we had such a good time last August; I’m really looking forward to seeing them again in just a few short months.  And most importantly, I learned that some goals are just not achievable, either because they weren’t specific enough to begin with or because I simply changed my mind about their necessity.  I’ve developed a certain clarity about the whole goal-making process, and about the things I need in my life to be happy.

Other things have changed too.  We’re moving at the end of the month – finally the end to a saga that began shortly after the creation of this blog.  It’s a long story, but suffice it to say landlords are fickle creatures, and kinda greedy.  So as you can imagine, the last few weeks have been crazy busy for us in looking for a new place and making plans and filling boxes.  Part of the process was cleaning out spaces, including our spare room, and it’s been awesomely therapeutic.  Also this year we got a new vehicle and we intended to welcome another pooch into our lives last fall, which ended up being changed to early this spring.  I’ve been dreaming out about dogs a lot lately… I can hardly contain my excitement.  Things are also changing for me at work, which causes both stress and a touch of excitement, depending on the day; I’m sure many people can understand how that goes.  It feels like this month is the end of our lives as we know them and we’re truly opening a new chapter.  I love how moving can create whole new worlds of possibility in many areas, not just in our living situation.

Tomorrow I get another year older and I think this 30-something thing is growing on me.  And I’ve already come up with some new goals I’ll begin to tackle shortly over the course of this new year of mine.  I’m eager to being this New Year!


One comment on “There Goes My Year

  1. I’ve enjoyed your blog Sarah! It made for some interesting reading, and you’re a very good writer!! Thanks for sharing part of your life with us!

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